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Why are we violent but not illiterate?
Because we are taught to read.

David Allan

AMP Peace Pledge:  "Today I pledge to do what I can to promote peace in my life, at home and in my world."

Since wars begin in the minds of men it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.  If we are to have peace, we must devote our attention, our resources, our time and effort to cultivating, modeling and teaching the attitudes, the attributes and the skills that foster peace.

Knowing that the internal state of peace is a condition of the heart aligned with conscience, compassion, goodness and truth, ever mindful that “justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other;”

Knowing that “there is no peace, peace is the way” and that the only way to advance the cause of peace is to live in peace;

Knowing that the external state of peace is not only the absence of war but the result of “a positive, dynamic participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation;”

The American Museum of Peace celebrates International Day of Peace and encourages schools and teachers to participate in this day devoted to strengthening a commitment to peace.

UN 2015 International Day of Peace banner

All content is © American Museum of Peace (AMP). All rights reserved.